Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Conrad Road Tunnel of Trees- Summer

Took a slightly longer walk today so I could snap a picture of the Conrad Road tunnel of trees in full summer for you. It's really kind of a special place, although quite short. The trees are getting very old, and probably dangerous, so I'm cherishing every time I see it that limbs haven't fallen or the county hasn't decided it has to be cut down.

Conrad Road tunnel of trees

Links below to spring and fall views.

In other news: I got my act together and have the Books Leaving Footprints newsletter nearly ready to send out. Of course that involved getting more things working on the computer. It's amazing how many little tweaks there are to getting everything back to the way I like it.

See Tunnel of Trees- spring
See Tunnel of Trees- fall
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  1. There is a spot near here that is like that although some have fallen and others have been cut back because of power lines. I always liked going through that area though.

  2. Just south of us, perhaps 100 yards, is a tunnel of trees, but not as photogenic as yours.

  3. Ann- Yes, the power companies devastate these.

    Chuck- there are a couple near me, but this one is closest.


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