Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Squares 2

More squares and near squares. I just like the patterns.

I realized I could "get" square openings in the railroad bridge if I stood in the right place. The tie ends are square too, and the shadows between. This picture actually intrigues me a lot. If you squint so you don't see what it is, but just look at the patterns...

squares in the side of a railroad bridge

This one is just a cage for an irrigation tank, but I like the contrast.

square grating

Walking home I found a pattern of squares decorating the side of a headstone.

square patterns in a headstone

And last, but not least, here's the combination card reader and USB splitter that I like pretty well so far. A nice square... long enough cord that it doesn't just hang off the computer. Many options. Free dust already, of course.

square USB hub

In other news: I installed the X6 version of Corel Office that is mine to keep. Works perfectly. Sent the Books Leaving Footprints newsletter. Getting my bearings with Dead Mule Swamp Mistletoe. Worked at Shagway (and some of my books sold).

See Squares 1
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  1. I like the rings in the wood on that first one. The card reader/USB splitter looks like a handy little gadget. There's dust everywhere in my house.

  2. Ann- that first picture just grows on me!


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