Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Day Twenty-Four - Midland to Mackinac

The proof! Here I am in Mackinaw City at the sign where the Midland to Mackinac Trail heads south. It was eight years ago that I stood in this spot (older signpost then), having reached it from the North Country Trail side and first thought about hiking this trail.

hiker at Midland to Mackinac Trail sign in Mackinaw City
Just go to the next sign, and you can keep going on the NCT- either direction you want! (toward New York or North Dakota)

North Country Trail sign in Mackinaw City
My timing was perfect- perfectly wrong! I sat indoors all day yesterday in warm and beautiful weather, and today I hiked in rain and wind, the entire day. Well, I'm not complaining. I wasn't too hot, and I really needed some rest. Gumby II did the job. And the water enhanced the colors of the leaves.

autumn oak leaves

Can't stop taking pictures of the beautiful stretches of autumn color along the trail.

autumn trees

It was pretty windy too. Look what came down from somewhere. Glad it's late enough in the year that the inhabitants have died off.

wasp nest

First view of the Mighty Mac from the trail! Made me realize that I've walked a long way!

Mackinac Bridge view from the Midland to Mackinac Trail

Today's trail angel that made these 12.5 miles possible in one day- Janice Dillaha, a new trail friend who is also interested in the North Country Trail. Thanks, Jan! And I hope our paths continue to cross.

hiker friends

Saw one other walker- a woman out with two Malamutes. They sure didn't mind the cold and wet, the dogs that is.

One other hilarious incident. As I was just coming into Mackinaw City there were some construction guys putting a roof on a new shuttle bus waiting pavilion. They had their radio playing loudly. Suddenly I heard the announcer say (you can't make this stuff up), "Is the trail calling to you?"
"Why, yes," I thought, "but I don't think they've perfected interactive radio yet."
"Do you wish you could hike, but you're just afraid to?"
"Not so afraid, but certainly curious what you have to offer."
"Visit our orthopedic clinic...."

Forward progress on the trail today: 12.5 miles, which is the same number of miles walked- Hooray! Total trail miles: 198.5

Tomorrow I'm hoping Nancy K and I can get to one of the places I need to connect, and that she won't have driven a bunch of miles to help me for nothing. We shall see- then home.

See Day Twenty-Three
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  1. If you ever need a ride or a place to stay in the top of the mitt, you have my number.

    It was great visiting with you. And I had no idea you were “that Joan.”

  2. Yeah! A good day, even with the rain. Those fall colors are beautiful.


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