Entries to Win Afghan

Friday, February 22, 2019

Countin' Flowers on the Wall

Today was pretty calm compared to our recent days, and I was very glad for that.

Remember "Countin' flowers on the wall, that don't bother me at all..."?

shadow of lace curtains on ceiling

Well, my day wasn't quite that lazy, although I did get a kick out of the shadow of a lace curtain. I confess that I did not count the flowers in it.

Marie had to work, so I spent pretty much all day working on the next chapter of the book. No keeper words yet, but I've gotten almost through the entire journal recording making notes, and studied the maps and pictures, and I have a theme for the chapter.

I made dinner today, we went for a little walk, and then after we ate and cleaned up, we played our word game.

It was really nice to have a quiet day.

Tomorrow, it's off to Albany for our last big sales venue.

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1 comment:

  1. Laid back days like that are nice. I like the shadow from the window.
    Good luck at your sale


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