Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Next Stop, Ithaca

I've made it to Ithaca, NY. The driving was messy, but I just lowed down and it was fine. The real problem is that the program that was scheduled for this evening was cancelled first thing this morning, because schools were cancelled.

So, I'm now with Elaine, which is great! We went out to eat.

eating at restaurant

We got fortune cookies. You can draw any kind of conclusions you like. So far the Dove candy wrappers have a better track record.

fortune cookie fortunes

Since we didn't have to go anywhere, we are watching the History Channel and playing Upwords.

playing Upwords

We had to picture the words in the middle of the game! Hiker and tent are foreshadowing of who would ultimately win (tee hee).

Upwords board

The score was tied. Then I got a great score and went ahead, but didn't have anywhere to play my last letter. But Elaine took her turn, and made it possible for me to play my last letter, so she had to lose 5 points. I won this round! Here's the final board.

Upwords board

Sure hoping for the program tomorrow to be a go. I need to stop losing money! I'm having a great time, but this trip needs to NOT be a financial bust.

See No Treadmill at Treadwell
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1 comment:

  1. Hope tomorrow goes better financially. It does sound like it was a fun day though


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