Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Demo Day at Ludington Center for the Arts

The other big event I went to yesterday was Demonstration Day at the Ludington Center for the Arts. This was free, and you could watch artists at work and talk with them about their art, and sign up for classes if you wanted (not free).

I'll only show you a few of the pictures, because there were lots and lots of things being demonstrated. Here is print making

making a block print

Here is my friend, Linda, doing a collage. There was another collage artist who works all in black and white.

making a collage

Art done by the local middle schoolers was also on display. There was a lot of really nice stuff. I sure wasn't that sophisticated in junior high!

junior high art

Two groups were making music. This is one of them.

making music

There were several painters and sketchers- watercolor, acrylic, oils, pastels. One man was doing caricatures, and another woman was working on a drawing that was going to become a painting of her dog. This painter's technique was fascinating. He paints on an iPad.

painting on a iPad

There were wood turners and fabric artists. There was also a photographer. This man does acrylic pours.

doing an acrylic pour

Our writing group held a workshop during the time period, but I did not sign up for it.

It was an amazing event that makes me want to take lots of classes, but I have neither money nor time.

This morning was bell choir, and that went really well! But I have totally reached my people and event limit. I completely chilled out for the afternoon. Read and watched a movie.

See Linda's Art Show
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  1. This looks like fun. I would love to watch how people do diffent things. I've tried the print making like in the first picture.

  2. Oh, nice! I wish I lived closer to see that event! We have something similar here, but our classes each host an open house on a separate weekend. I think maybe it might be better to do them all at once--like this event.


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