Entries to Win Afghan

Saturday, May 4, 2019

NCTA Celebration - Saturday

We did a 10.5 mile hike today. The weather was finally warmer so it was quite pleasant as the day went on even though the beginning was pretty chilly.

Sand Lake

We stared at Sand Lake. We took a spur to the North Country Trail, so 9 miles of the hike was on the NCT.


Trumpeter Swans!

trumpeter swans

This is a piece of trail I haven't seen before because it's been rerouted since I hiked it. There is now a nice stretch along the Boardman River.

Boardman River

Leftovers from winter. I was surprised that porcupines or something haven't taken the antlers.

deer skeleton

Even though nothing is green yet, I liked this valley space.

early spring valley

At least the sun came out enough that the hepatica opened.


In the evening, I did a very short recognition of those who have earned Long Distance Hiker patches on the NCT this year.

person with patch jacket

And then the keynote speaker was Mirna Valerio, who gave a motivational speech about breaking stereotypes and running.

Mirna Valerio

One more hike tomorrow. Must to to sleep now.

Hike 100 Challenge= 28 miles

North Country Trail, Sand Lake (plus spur) to Muncie Lake, 10.5 miles, Michigan

See Celebration - Friday
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1 comment:

  1. Nice views in some of those pictures. Sounds like a good day


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