Entries to Win Afghan

Friday, August 9, 2019

Licking My Wounds

I spent the day licking my financial wounds and concentrating seriously on overeating and staying lost in a book. Was successful at both.

I did walk to town to accomplish a couple of pieces of the self-inflicted financial wounds that make the newer car possible and go to the library to get more books to get lost in.

On the way I just grabbed some pictures of pretty garden flowers. Here are phlox.

garden phlox

And a purpley-pink hydrangea.


Followed by a couple of coneflowers.

red coneflowers

white coneflowers

We won't talk about all the things I should or could have been doing. I guess I'm pretty much over it. At any rate, the Ludington Artisan Fair starts tomorrow, so I'll be there selling books. Hopefully lots, and won't be able to think about it all. And Monday, I'll have a car with all parts that actually work again.

See Late Season Hydrangea
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1 comment:

  1. Having to fork out large sums of money is always a downer for me. I try to tell myself that instead of being bummed I should be thankful that I'm able to. At least I can pay for some things or most likely be approved for a loan if necessary. There's a lot of people who couldn't do either.
    Hope you sell lots of books and have a day full of happy thoughts.


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