Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Not As Planned

Let's just say that today did not go as planned. I'm still working on seeing this as a blessing. Nevertheless, I will be bringing this baby home on Monday. 2013 Subaru Forester.

2013 Subaru Forester

2013 Subaru Forester

2013 Subaru Forester

We did have a nice drive, partly through Amish country where we saw real hay stacks, and men threshing with teams of horses.

Amish hay stacks

We had a nice dinner before driving home. It was very helpful to me that Loretta is here and was willing to drive me all over to look at cars.

My previous car (2007 Subaru Forester) will be put back together and will be for sale at a low price. It would make a good first car for a young person, or to drive to work locally, but won't be recommended for long trips. Contact me if interested.

See Acadia to Argent
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  1. Some days go like that. At least this one included new wheels. Too bad about your old one.

  2. Chaplin: "Cars sure seem like a lot of trouble. Mama and dada put several thousand dollars into Mama's car and the transmission died just a few months later and they had to get a new one anyway. I don't know why humans even have cars. They should just walk and run and jump everywhere like us cats do."
    Charlee: "The car is what they use to go get our food and bring it back to the house."
    Chaplin: "Cars are awesome! I love cars! Every human should have one! And also a spare!"


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