Entries to Win Afghan

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Meijer Gardens - Succulents 2 - White Plants

I love white plants. Not necessarily white flowers, but plants that are all or mostly white. Here are three from the visit to Meijer Garden last week.

First is the fairly well known Cocoon Plant, Senecio haworthii. It comes from South Africa, but is very often used in containers or indoor succulent gardens because of its stunning color and big puffy cocoon-like leaves. This one is nice and healthy.

Meijer Gardens cocoon plant

The next two are both cacti in the Mammilaria genus, from Mexico. This one has red spines, Silken Pincushion Cactus, Mammilaria bombycina

Meijer Gardens silken pincushion cactus

This one is even whiter, because the spines are white too, but look at the beautiful magenta flowers! Mammilaria geminispina, Twin Spined Cactus. My guess is there are two spines in each follicle. You think?

Meijer Gardens

I think I can eke one more post out of the Meijer Gardens visit if nothing exciting at home comes along.

In other news: I did moderately well at the show. It was well-organized and I made some new friends. Of course several people wanted to look at my cute little trailer. The roads were clear coming home, so that was a much nicer drive. And... can you believe? I know a small handful of people in all of Baldwin, but as I was driving through town, who should be standing beside the street waving to me but hiking buddy, Sue!

See From Dark to White
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1 comment:

  1. That first plant is fabulous.
    It really is a small world isn't it.


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