Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Let the Christmas Gingerbread Begin

The best thing about today was this big gingerbread/pretzel house. I had a meeting at a restaurant, and one of the employees had made this as a decoration.

gingerbread house

gingerbread house

gingerbread house

I've seen a picture of one other cabin made of pretzel logs, but it looked more like a log house. This one is pretty fancy. Although the logs are pretzels, the employees were calling it a gingerbread house.

In other news: I attended a meeting of the Lake County Recreational Trails Committee. They are pretty focused on motorized trails, so I was the lone voice talking about non-motorized trails. But they weren't antagonistic or dismissive, attitudes I have encountered at other such meetings, so I was happy enough. Then I had bell choir practice. And... I got the paperback copy of Accidentally Yours successfully formatted. It's awaiting final approval from Amazon, but I think it's clean and should be ready for orders in just a couple of days.

See Let the Christmas Dogs Begin
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  1. That's a fancy log house. I've never made a gingerbread house.

  2. The motorized trails would drive me crazy. People need to move and get out in the fresh air---why ruin it with engines? I would have been with you in that meeting.

    Cool gingerbread house!


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