Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Six Miles with Cathy

The book is awaiting a couple of answers from the printer in the morning, but it's essentially done. Cathy and I did a 6-mile walk, mostly on roads, but the last mile was through Cartier Park in Ludington. No icy surfaces to contend with.

Cartier Park

Best was some Common Goldeneye ducks on Lincoln Lake, but they were too far away for me to get really good pictures.

Common Goldeneye ducks

Another couple of miles and we were close enough to Lake Michigan that it was just barely visible beyond the sand. Look right in the middle of the picture and you can see a lens that is a slightly darker blue-gray than the sky.

Lake Michigan

Did we have a good time? We did. It was lightly snowing and wet, but not enough to be a big problem. And, it was mostly a roadwalk. It's nice to have someone to chat with when the scenery isn't too exciting.


In other news: There is no other news. Once I finished the book cover I quit being productive for the day. Yippie! But I'm getting in shape for Thursday.

See Cartier Park

1 comment:

  1. I like the looks of that first one. Always nice to have someone to walk with.


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