Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Finally Flowers

A few of my flowers are tolerant of the fact that I've given up pretending to be a gardener. However, the first picture is the biggest surprise of all. This is a Windflower, or Anemone. I haven't seen one of these come up in quite a few years. I really love them (blue of course), and was always disappointed that they didn't do well for me. But this year, I get a smile!

blue windflower

Here is my multi-color daffodil that I believe is Narcissus delnashaugh. These just opened today. I was thinking everything was late this year, but I see they were in full bloom on May 4 last year, so maybe not so far behind.

Narcissus delnashaugh

The little purple corydalis that Ester gave me seems to hang in there.

purple corydalis

And the forsythia bush began to bloom today too.


Now we are supposed to go back to rain for a couple of days, and then warm. I think we'll be looking at mowing the grass if that happens!

In other news: I actually managed to finish a promotional video I've been working on for my mystery books. And, friend Sue dropped off some jigsaw puzzles for me to do. We chatted a bit from a nice safe distance. That visit I got a nifty puppy fix from Sophie and Annabelle too! Sorry, but I did not keep a social distance from the furries.

Oh yeah, and I made apple bread.

See Spring Tease


  1. Your yard is like mine, very few flowers any more. I've already done the first mow of the season last week and it looks like it's ready again now.

  2. The flowers are such a joy to see. It's raining like crazy here...and if the sun comes out and warms the earth up, we will have quite the show! I can't wait!


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