Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Interloken Trail South

Today we hiked an 8-mile loop going south from the Blueberry Patch Campground to the junction of the Interloken Trail with the main Finger Lakes Trail. Then we returned on the same trail till the Burnt Hill Loop split off and returned us to our starting point via a slightly different route.

Interloken Trail

When I was a kid, a lot of this was public land, but it was the Hector Land Use Area. Now it is the Finger Lakes National Forest.

I think these mushrooms are past their prime, but still pretty.

orange mushrooms

We saw this tiny, tiny toad. It was less than 1/2 inch long.

tiny toad

Just a short way from the junction is the Dunham Lean-to where I have camped twice previously. So we went there to have a snack before turning around.

Dunham Leanto

The trail goes through a pasture- they only ask hikers to close the gates. The cows were curious, as cows will be.


The bull thistles were in full bloom.

bull thistle

This view is of the west side of Seneca Lake. A storm was brewing, and we got to the car just before the rain arrived!

view across Seneca Lake

Felt good to be walking again! Tomorrow we hope to do the north end of this branch trail.

See Very Miscellaneous Fun


  1. Sounds like a good day of hiking. I wonder how many people fail to close the pasture gate.

  2. Very few- or the trail would lose the right to have passage


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