Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Very Miscellaneous Fun

I guess the big event of the day is that we went with Richard and Darla to Connie's Diner in Waterloo.

Connie's Diner

The menu is impressive, but Marie and I were interested in the "Cold Plate," which is a huge, huge platter of cold salads. You can see mine in the foreground. I ate it for lunch and dinner, and there is still more left. Really good food.

salad plate

One of the highlights for me was seeing a railroad maintenance vehicle at work. The machine sucks up the ballast, levels the rails, puts the ballast back, tamps it, and regrades the berm, all in one pass. And... this machine was probably made in Ludington! There are only a couple of places in the world where they are made. I had a chance to tour the plant a few years ago, but didn't blog about it because no pictures were allowed.

railroad maintenance vehicle

On the drive back "home," we followed the shore of Seneca Lake, the other big Finger Lake.

Seneca Lake

And this was another highlight- a green walking stick on Marie's tire. Yes, we made sure he moved before driving the car. I've never seen more than one or two of them at a time, but apparently they can defoliate entire areas because they eat leaves voraciously. I still think they are cool.

walking stick insect

Tomorrow, we walk!

See The Lake that I Love

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