Entries to Win Afghan

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Winter Seems to Have Arrived

  I always love the parts of winter that are crisp and when the snow is fresh. I was trying to catch the blue phase of dusk, but it wasn't quite late enough. Look who I found instead! deer under snow covered trees

But the light did fade. It made a nice 'moods of my backyard' picture. snowy field in blue light

Directly west, the cloud cover was so complete there was no hint of color in the sunset. dusky blue winter

In other news: I've managed to irritate a ligament in one knee, so I mostly rested that today. I made yogurt, worked on editing, did accounts, and other gentle pursuits.

See Blue Trailer


  1. It sure does look pretty. Love the picture with the deer. I just hope we don't get more but I'm afraid we're in for some.


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