Entries to Win Afghan

Saturday, February 27, 2021

When Trails are Too Mushy

  Cathy and I wanted to do a good walk today, but with our sudden spring-like temperatures the trails have turned to total mush. Rather than struggle and not be able to get very far, we chose a road walk in the county that isn't just squares, and has some nice things to see. It also has some decent topography to enhance the workout factor.

We began in some agricultural areas, mostly fruit farms. Orchards can provide some great pictures, but this is not one of them. Couldn't get a good perspective. You'll have to settle for a view that does at least show acres and acres of rows of fruit trees. cherry orchard

Here's the joke of the day. Carom boards are made in Ludington. Someone has found a use for old broken bases- as the backboards for their No Trespassing signs! Carom board with no trespassing sign

Eventually, we ended up on the back side of Pere Marquette Lake. So we were across the channel from the Ludington lighthouse. Not a great picture, but I like how the water and the sky are almost the same color. The lighthouse is the blockier tower toward the right. The building in the foreground is on the same side of the lake we were on, and the round tower is a channel marker. Ludington Lighthouse

Another interesting destination on that road is White Pine Village, a living history museum. There are 30 actual historic buildings that have been moved there, and during the season there is almost always some fun demonstration going on. This house is actually an administration building, but it made a nice picture, and is visible from the road. I haven't been there in a while- I really should go. It's a treasure of a destination, but when it's open, it's so overrun with tourists, I end up avoiding it. Rose Hawley administration building White Pine Village

Here's a winter view of the two carferries, head on. This side of the lake is the only place one can take a picture like this. The link below shows a similar shot taken in the fall. Ludington carferries

And one more... this is definitely not a great picture, but these bird are so skittish I was just thankful to end up with a picture that has the whole bird in it. This is a pileated woodpecker. They are really large, over a foot from crest to end of tail. pileated woodpecker

How did we do? We walked 10.8 miles!

In other news: After that (and clean up and lunch) I had an appointment about some editing. Now I am home and crashed for the evening!

See Apres L'Autumne


  1. Charlee: "Whoa! A bird a foot tall? Chaplin, what do we think of that?"
    Chaplin: "I think we think best observed from a distance."
    Lulu: "Chickens."
    Charlee: "No, no, Lulu, it's a woodpecker."
    Chaplin: "Do try to keep up."

  2. You kitties would be quite intimidated when it spreads its wings!


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