Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, February 25, 2021

White River from the Other Direction

  Today, four of us drove to the M-20 Trailhead of the North Country Trail in Newaygo County. This is just far enough away from home that I don't get there too often. So, here we are: Becky, Laura, Peg and me in front. hikers

It was a gorgeous day for a hike on my favorite trail. We didn't need snowshoes, as the treadway was well packed. It was kind of mushy on the way back, as the day warmed, but not too difficult. North Country Trail

Temperatures were above freezing and the sun was glorious! sun through trees

I think this is my favorite picture of the day, with the two shades of brown leaves (beech and oak) looking so rich. brown leaves on trees with hikers

We crossed Rattlesnake Creek and then walked beside it for a distance. Rattlesnake Creek

Our turn-around destination was the White River. Here's the bridge. This was just over 3 miles, so our total was 6. White River NCT bridge

On the hike in November (link below), this was also our turn-around point, but we came from the south on that hike. We met one of the hikers from that day, today! White River

This picture wasn't taken on the trail, but I really like the way the vines are curving up the tree, and the moss on the tree is just glowing in the sunshine. I didn't go look closely at the vines. They are not Poison Ivy or grape, and I don't think they are Virginia creeper. That leaves me with bittersweet. Next time I'm at that spot I'll have to check my "drive-by botany" skills.
vines climbing a tree

Hike 100 for 2021 is at 73 miles.

North Country Trail, Newaygo County, M-20 south to the White River and back for a total of 6 miles

In other news; There isn't much. We went out to eat afterwards, and when I got home I prepared for tonight's virtual book event. When that is over, I think I'll be done for the day!

See Hiking is Back on My Radar


  1. Well that's a perfect day. Hiking with friends, good weather and going out to eat.

  2. Ann- yes, yes, and yes.

    It was great!


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