Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Seasonal Adjustment

  I thought I was going to get some stuff done today. Nope. The humidity was brutal, and my enzymes have not yet adjusted to summer mode. Can you say headache and hard to breathe... Well, I read a book. And puttered at a few things. And, you know what? Some days that is OK.

Speaking of seasonal... those sedums I bought last year? They were supposed to be hardy. Yeah. The purple one is. It looks pretty good. purple hybrid sedum

The yellow one is completely gone. I looked it up by name on the internet and found a lot of people complaining about it being advertised as hardy, but not surviving winter. Sigh.

O well, I am back in the world of giving up on the flower beds anyway. I have other projects on my mind this year. Lack of focus. That's me.

See How About those Sedums?


  1. I think I'm in a permanent seasonal adjustment. I bought a hibiscus that was supposed to be hardy but I don't think it really was. It didn't survive a winter.

  2. Ann- so annoying when plants don't make it! :/

  3. Lulu: "Hmm, sounds more hardy-har-har than hardy ..."


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