Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Hart Montague Rail Trail - Whitehall

  Today was the second day of the vendor event. It didn't start till 11:00 so I went early enough to take my walk before. Today I went south, toward Whitehall. Here's the appealing trail picture of the day Hart Montague Rail Trail

As you get closer to town there is more art. This is a fun one of sunflowers
sunflower art construction

Of course, a village on a lake that is connected to Lake Michigan is going to have a marina, and they are always good for a picture or two.
whitehall marina

I made it to one of the larger community gardens maintained by the garden club before I had to turn around. There is this butterfly with stained glass wings! art butterfly with stained glass wings

And the garden has lovely plantings. lilies

I'm not positive which Oenothera this is, but it's one of the evening primroses. There are a number of garden cultivars. THe flowers were almost 3" across. large evening primrose

And here's my mystery plant. At least it was a mystery, but I think I have it figured out. It's one of the Beardtongues, a Penstemon. Since most of them prefer dry prairie environments, but this one was in a wetland, that helps narrow things down. The insides of the flowers aren't particularly striped, but I think it is Foxglove Beardtongue, Penstemon digitalis.
foxglove beardtongue

In other news: It was beastly hot and humid. That took a lot out of me, but now it's cooling down and I'm finishing up getting ready to leave tomorrow. I did average sales today, but combined with yesterday, I did well!

Hart Montague Rail Trail, Muskegon Co, MI, through downtown and back 3+ miles

See Rail Trail at White Lake


  1. I wouldn't mind walking a trail that looked like that.
    Love those sunflowers and that butterfly is really pretty

  2. Nice trail. And I like the public sculptures.

  3. Ann and Stew- This is a really pretty urban trail. They've made some really nice sections

  4. Charlee: "Whoo, what a big butterfly!"
    Chaplin: "We wish our butterflies were that big!"
    Lulu: "Do you, though? Do you really?"
    Charlee: "... no, not really."


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