Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Berry Nice Hike

  I needed to run down to Hart today, so Cathy went with me and then we took a little hike on the Hart-Montague Rail Trail. It's paved and flat, but it is nicely shaded, and it was really easy to get to from where I needed to go. Hart Montague Rail Trail

It seems surprisingly early to find blackberries ripe in mid July. I always associate them with August. But we found enough ripe ones that both of us had a nice snack blackberries

And then we also found black raspberries, which I've always called blackcaps. There were fewer of these, but we each had a small handful. These were more in line with the timing I would have expected. They were just about finished. black raspberries.

Best plant find of the day is a beautiful Narrowleaf Meadowsweet, Spiraea alba. I thought maybe it was Steeplebush. That would have been a really nice find, but the undersides of the leaves and the stems aren't hairy.
narrowleaf meadowsweet

Cathy and I walked out and back from Hart for a total of 5.2 miles. I got home just as the rain hit!

In other news: I edited. I wrote a chapter. I did my errand in Hart.

Oceana County, MI, Hart Montague Rail Trail, Polk Road to Taylor Road and back 5.2 miles

See Narrowleaf Meadowsweet


  1. Now I'm hungry for some berries :)

  2. Ann- they were SO good. Sometimes the blackberries behind my house fruit, but not too often. What a treat!


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