Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Low Budget Black Taco Ad, Part 2 - Day 50

  Remember the Black Taco ad from 2009? (It's on You Tube if you don't remember). I always thought it was a great ad, and I did a "low budget" version on the blog once before. Link at bottom. Here's today's version:

Black Birds
Black Buzzards

More black buzzards. I guess they don't know they are supposed to be unusual here.

Black Barn
Chew Mail Pouch barn

The traditional Mail Pouch Tobacco Barn, but freshly painted.

Black Road
two hikers on a road

Black Tree
tree silhouette against blue sky

I love the stark trees against the sky. And look! The sky was blue. The high was 48 degrees.

Black Cows
cow silhouette against blue sky

We walked through an area of quite large agricultural enterprises. We saw lots more black cows than this, but I liked this picture.

Black Road
asphalt road

Black Fence
black board fence with red barn

There are also a lot of horse farms in this area. I'm used to white fences, not black ones.

Black Buggy
amish buggy

Black Sky
looming sky

The sky wasn't looking so blue by the time we finished for the day, but we made it to the car before the rain started. We've made the transition to a new location. The turnaround was tight for the trailer, and a neighbor came and did it. I'm getting more competent, but this was tricky and in the mud. But now we are all settled in.

The phones don't work here, but I do have internet, so if you have been communicating with me, everything will still work except text and calls for the next few days... and I will check those when we are out and about.

Miles today: 15.7. Total miles so far: 720.7

See Low Budget Black Taco Ad
See We've Got You Covered


  1. Love the idea of the "black" theme!!! Very clever and enjoyable. Safe and fun hiking, Joan and Co.

  2. Can't say that I remember that taco ad but I enjoy the black blog post.

  3. No recollection of the taco ad, but appreciate the theme. Especially like the freshly painted barn, and that tree against the blue sky. Happy trails! April

  4. A Study in Black. But Blue Skies Up Above!
    Kepp on keeping on!

  5. Gotta like a theme. And I love the cow photo.


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