Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

We've Got You Covered - Day 49

  Today we ate lunch in a covered bridge. This may be a first for me. It was perfect- sheltered from the wind and a low curb to sit on. Who is the extra person? See bonus section. eating lunch in a covered bridge

This is Brown Bridge, an example of a Smith Truss Bridge (the crossed trusses on the inside), built in 1880. Brown Covered Bridge

There were two covered bridges today! This is the New Hope Bridge. New Hope Covered Bridge

This type is supposed to be rare, with a laminated bow arch. Both are closed to traffic, and both span White Oak Creek. bow arch covered bridge

And a wonderful find near the end of the day. A private property owner has built a shelter for trail users. We saw the shelter location on the map, but it didn't click with me until I saw the property. I actually based camped here in my tent (pre-shelter) when I walked this section before (and spotted myself with my bicycle). Now the owner has added the shelter. It was clean and stocked with lovely amenities like games, firewood, a broom, and logbook. We signed the book and used the privy! Buckeye Trail Shelter

Here are our hosts for the past few days, Matt and Kimberly. They have been great. Matt gave us all the info about the creek crossings, and we've taken showers and had some nice visits. happy couple

Miles today: 16.9. Total miles so far: 705

Bonus section: Surprises

The first surprise for you is that Bill is now hiking with us for a little while. Of course this wasn't a surprise to us, but the timing was a little fluid, so I didn't want to say anything until he really arrived. hiker

And the real surprise is that I got a new bird to add to my life list. Remember, I'm not a great birder. I didn't even know this bird existed before I looked at its picture on the computer tonight and looked it up. This is a Black Buzzard, Coragyps atratus. They are native farther south, but occasionally stray into southern Ohio. Very cool! black buzzard

See To Clover Lick- and Beyond


  1. I love the covered bridges. I will have to look up on a map just exactly where you are. Does the trail go through the bridges? Congratulations on reaching the 700 mile mark! What an accomplishement!

  2. Those covered bridges are amazing. We only have one left in the area and it's still in use for traffic.

  3. Those are some nice (and certainly welcome) surprises!

  4. That bridge with the arcges is very unique, and what a neat experienceto eat lunch on a covered bridge. Fantastic that there's a shelter available now. April

  5. The bridges are so cool. As a bird nerd, I am always happy to hear about a new addition to one's life list. <3


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