Entries to Win Afghan

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Cruising the Daks - Day 172

  Today I had to get the backpacking food sorted into appropriate piles and deliver it to various places in the Adirondacks for pickup as I backpack through. You saw all these packages as they were created. Now they are being deployed. dehydrated food packets

I packaged up three bags with the appropriate number of breakfasts, snacks, lunches, dinners, and toilet paper. Then I headed for the Adirondacks.

These aren't even big mountains, but they stand out nicely from the background. Adirondacks

More of the same- these make me so happy! Adirondacks

The places I chose to leave supplies were all happy to hold a bag for me until I got there to collect it. My last supply drop involves a friend you have met before, Paul. I had to track him down because the phone number I had for him was no good, but he was home and is happy to pick me up from the trail one day and let me stay overnight and get cleaned up. We've been friends for over 50 years, but I haven't seen him very often. Last time was two years ago (link below). He's the one who introduced me to the Adirondacks. friends

This was an eight-hour loop trip, but now it's done. Tomorrow, I'll finish all the final odds and ends, and hike on Monday.

See Catching Up (last time I saw Paul)


  1. Enjoy your last day of "rest" and hopefully the weather will be great for a good start on the trail tomorrow. Glad the package drops all worked out! Beautiful mountains!

  2. Lulu: "Dada is really enjoying the Adirondack portion of your journey ― he says the Adirondacks are his favorite place in the entire state of New York, and possibly the entire country!"

  3. Kathie- thank you

    Lulu- Dada is going to be disappointed then... no blog posts until after I'm through the Daks.


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