Entries to Win Afghan

Monday, August 15, 2022

Vergas Loon - Day 258

  I promised you another large animal statue, and I deliver. This is the Vergas Loon. It's been standing guard over Long Lake since the early 1960s.
Vergas, Minnesota, loon

Vergas also had some very nice gardens and planters. There were also benches with awnings so they were shaded. I availed myself of one for my lunch.
Vergas garden

It seemed fitting that I got a pretty good picture of a live loon just south of Vergas.

And there's even more bird news- two trumpeter swans flew by me, honking as they went. trumpeter swans flying

BONUS SECTION: Heart of the Lakes Trail

This post has been edited to note the correct trail. This is a project of Otter Tail County called the Heart of the Lakes Trail. The NCT will use a part of this when it's done.

But this morning, on one section, a grader was coming down the trail toward me. It was going very slowly, and had GPS antennae on the blade. It looked to me like a final grading.

Very shortly after that, a water truck came down the trail wetting the surface. When the truck was empty, he went back to a pond and sucked up another tank full.

This was followed by a roller. It sure looked to me as if this was the final prep for paving.

Sure enough, over the next hill, look what I found! It's very interesting that the truck backs up to the little paver, and then they drive in tandem until the truck is empty. Then it pulls away and a full truck takes its place. Notice that there is asphalt behind the paver, but still dirt under the truck.
trail paving

I talked with a couple of young guys on the crew. They said they had just started the paving, but they hoped to complete a mile of trail paving today. Here's what was done so far.
newly paved trail

It was so new it hadn't even been rolled yet! I gently put a foot on it, just so I could honestly say I was the first non-construction worker to tread the path.

For the whole rest of the day, the trucks bringing fresh asphalt to the paver were passing me. There was a big fleet of them zooming between Vergas and the paving location.

Miles today: 16.0. Total miles so far: 3041.6.

See Frazee Turkeys


  1. Love that loon.
    I've watched guys doing paving like that, it's pretty interesting

  2. Lulu: "Loons! Dada says he and Mama always used to like seeing them when they were out on a canoe in a lake in the Adirondacks."
    Charlee: "Hmph. They could've at least snagged one and brought it back for us to play with."

  3. Ann- it was. The machine was just the right size for a trail.

    Charlee- Loons make funny noises. Maybe it would scare you.


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