Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Rain, Plan, Rain, Plan, EAT, etc - Day 345

  It rained and thundered and rained all day. I worked hard on planning the next few days. I am going to jump ahead to do a section closer to Marquette that concerns me if the serious snow starts. This has been logistically challenging, but I think we've got it covered.

Just for the sake of having a pretty picture, this is a tree root I saw a couple of days ago. I did play with the color a bit to bump the contrast.
tree roots

We've been generously hosted once again. This time by Bethany (far right). She took us out to dinner tonight, and trail volunteer Joe came along too. Nice people, nice times. Yummy food.

To make this all happen, we have to leave early in the morning.

See Misty


  1. I like the picture of that tree with all it's roots

  2. Java Bean: "Mmmmmm, food! And a tree to leave peemail on, too! What could be better?"
    Charlee: "You dogs and your peemail."

  3. Ann- it was beautiful

    Java Bean- you would run out of pee for all these trees


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