Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, November 24, 2022

The Light in the Forest - Day 359

  For Thanksgiving, I decided to take a hike. It was a beautiful start to the day. I'm used to sunsets over a big lake, not sunrises.
sunrise on Lake Superior

It's been cloudy for a while, so it was really neat to have sunlight shining through the trees.
sun in forest

I took a whole bunch of pictures, but most of them aren't what I had hoped. This one isn't bad. The beech leaves stay on the trees, sometimes all winter, and the low sun made them glow.
sun on beech leaves

In the afternoon, I filled in a missing piece nearer Marquette, passing by Lakenenland. This is a sculpture park created by one man who makes art from junk. There are lots of pieces, but here are two. I hope to stop by another day to get a picture of my favorite.
big cat sculpture

tractor made from saws

One really nice thing about this property is that the owner has built a truly wonderful shelter for use by NCT hikers. It has a closed front. There are now several four-sided shelters along the trail, and in mosquito country, this is a blessing. The inside has a table, benches and cots. He also keeps some basic food items there.
deluxe hiker shelter

The sun had gone away again by afternoon, but the view of Jeske Flooding was still attractive.
Jeske Flooding

Miles today: 10.3. Total miles so far 4141.5.

See Just Keep Moving


  1. Looks beautiful out there. Love those sculptures. How nice of the owner to provide the shelter as well.

  2. Chaplin: "Metal robot tiger kitty, oh yeah!"

  3. Hi Ann- it's a really fun place.

    Chaplin- he will eat you up!


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