Entries to Win Afghan

Friday, November 25, 2022

Through the Woods, Not Over the River - Day 360

  Today, I walked a very new piece of trail through the woods tthat replaces a great deal of roadwalk. It was hilly, but the biggest challenge was to get across this stream. I know, it looks like the aftermath of a landslide, but there's water rushing between those rocks. Those rocks that are covered with ice and snow. But I made it without getting any wet feet or other body parts.
rocky creek

Then I dropped down to follow the Sturgeon River, but not cross it, for the last three miles.
sturgeon river michigan

Finally, I caught sight of the Camelback Bridge, my destination for the day.
Camelback bridge

The warm days have melted a lot of the snow. I think these natural collages are as good as any at craft fairs.
fern leaf
striped rock

I guess I've reached the point where I'm always hungry. Someone left me a big sugared donut in the woods.
snow looks like donut

We were met at the end of the day by Connie from the Peter Wolfe Chapter. She brought me a pair of better gaiters to use, and some better bags for wading. Then she took us out to dinner!

That all took time, then I had to mend the gumby pants (they and I have to last 2 more months!), work on logistics, and finally blog. Tomorrow could be tough, so I need to get to bed soon.

Miles today: 7.0. Total miles so far: 4148.5.

See The Light in the Forest


  1. Those snow covered rocks look like they could be rough to cross. I'm betting you could seriously hurt yourself if you fell there too.

  2. Ann- yup. I'm trying really hard not to fall.


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