Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Fred Sings for Me

  I am safely home from the weekend at the Women's Expo. I finished with the account in the black, but the total sales were disappointing for spending three days at it. There must be a more consistent way to market books or make money, but I sure haven't found it yet. I don't think I'm greedy, I just need it to be more than a hobby. It really needs to be supplemental income.

I will add that no one had stellar sales. Traffic was good, but nothing like the crowds of some other years. I'm not complaining, but one has to analyze what works and what doesn't. Given how much I hate driving into downtown Grand Rapids, the noise, and the logistics of inexpensive parking, I'm not sure I'll do this show again. On the other hand... there were 18 authors there, and being present is worth something that is a bit intangible.

It did feel surprisingly good to be back in the author world. I'm no longer anything like a newbie, and I like being able to help other people and introduce them to more people who might be able to answer their questions. I liked discussing author-type issues with other authors.

That said, I REALLY like being home where it is quiet and I don't have to do anything for the next few hours.

I stayed with my friends Fred and Margie for the overnights. We were all too tired to do much more than say hello the two evenings, but we did get a bit of quality time this morning. I neglected to take a picture of Margie or Zed the dog (one of my favorite doggie friends [cover your ears, Sophie Rose!]). However, Fred wanted to share a hymn with me that he had recently discovered, so he sang it for me. If you want to see Margie and Zed, you can follow the link below to another visit.

He also suggested a book series I might like to read. We have similar tastes, so I'm sure he's right.
man with guitar

Tomorrow, I'll try to keep working on my projects, and I also need to start getting ready to go back to the trail. I sure don't know how it got be be almost the end of March already.

See A Wonderful Weekend


  1. Thanks Joan, it was wonderful seeing you again! Add to that I get to see Omdalf tomorrow… what a week!
    Here are the lyrics of the Hymn “Lord it belongs not to my care” with my chords written in :D


    C F C
    Lord, it belongs not to my care
    C F G
    Whether I die or live
    G C G F G F
    To love and serve Thee is my share
    C G C
    And this Thy grace must give.

    C F C
    If life be long, I will be glad
    C F G
    That I may long obey
    G C G F G F
    If short, yet why should I be sad
    C G C
    To welcome endless day?

    C F C
    Christ leads me through no darker rooms
    C F G
    Than He went through before
    G C G F G F
    He that unto God’s kingdom comes
    C G C
    Must enter by his door.

    C F C
    Come, Lord, when grace hath made me meet
    C F G
    Thy blessed face to see
    G C G F G F
    For if Thy work on earth be sweet
    C G C
    What will Thy glory be!

    C F C
    My knowledge of that life is small,
    C F G
    The eye of faith is dim
    G C G F G F
    But ’tis enough that Christ knows all,
    C G C
    And I shall be with Him.

    Words: Richard Baxter (1681)
    Preferred tune: Dunlap's Creek by Samuel McFarland (1814)



  2. Glad you came out ahead at the expo. One of the reasons why I don't like craft shows is because of the amount of the work for so little income.

  3. Fred- thanks for the words!

    Ann- so true


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