Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Rock Garden Goodies - Then and Now

 Another day doing things I should be doing. Two in a row! That included shopping. Ugh. But I only bought things I needed and no plants. I did mow some last evening (and maybe will yet tonight), and I did another hour of weeding in the rock garden. Here's the area I got cleaned up today. Not sure how many spaces, because some of these don't have numbers yet.
rock garden

I'm going to show you how a few plants have changed over time. This is the 'Gold Rush' Sempervivum. Here's what it looks like now after about 3 months in the sun.
Gold Rush sempervivum
Here it is in June- actually exactly 2 months ago.

gold rush sempervivum

And when I bought it in May.

gold rush sempervivum

Next up is the Sedum mexicanum 'Lemon Coral.' Here's how it looks today. Yes, it's that bright yellow.
Sedum lemon coral

At certaing times through the season, it has looked pretty much like the 'Angelina.' However, that one changes shades from orangy through yellow to more greenish now. This one stays really yellow. Here's the sad little pile I bought earlier this year on discount. The real drawback is that I'll have to take this inside over winter.

sedum lemon coral

And another success story. I got a Lamb's Ear at the very end of last year. It was sad and tiny. But look at it now! I guess I didn't take a before picture. Anyway, it's so big that I split off a piece to put in a second location.
lamb's ear

And now, I'm going to go mow before I get too tired to move.

See Starting to Weed


  1. That lambs ear will be every where before long!

  2. Everything is doing really well. I have lambs ear around the tree in my front yard.

  3. Java Bean: "Ayyyy, it seems like there's always something that needs mowing!"

  4. Doug- I have quite a few places I'm willing to put it.

    Ann- I really like lamb's ear

    Bean- that is SO true.


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