Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Starting to Weed

 The quote of the day comes from Marie. I called her to chat. She said, "Enjoy your lack of panic while it lasts." I have an unbelievable amount of work to do in the next 8 days, but so far, I am oddly calm about it all. Maybe I've reached a point where major projects just don't induce panic? Maybe I'm fooling myself and I need to kick things up a notch?

At any rate, I did manage to work at things all day long today. Spent one hour weeding the rock garden. Of course, it's a big mess after being neglected for a month, but that's nothing like neglecting it for years. We had 1.2 inches of rain last night, and the weeds are coming out easily. Here's the section I got done today. About 16 out of 80+ numbered spaces.
rock garden

Now for some goodies. This space is weeded. This is Sedum 'Atlantis.' It remains one of my favorite purchases from last year, and it's spreading really well.
Sedum Atlantis

Here's a surprise. This is the Sedum 'Ezawe' which was so blue earlier in the year. It got shaded by an out-of-control larger plant, and it has gotten leggy and much lighter blue.
Sedum Ezawe

These next spaces aren't weeded yet, but they were blooming when I got home, and I don't want to wait to share. I don't know how long the flowers will last.

This is one of the SunSparkler Sedum, 'Firecracker.' This is one of my favorite purchases of this year.
Firecracker sedum

And this is another of the SunSparklers, 'Lime Zinger.' I'm a little surprised at how bright the flowers are. This was new this year, and even so, it has filled in the space really well.
Lime Zinger sedum

This last one makes me really happy. This blanketflower got seriously chewed by whatever grazed over the top of the rock garden last year. It looks great now! This one is the variety 'Arizona Sun.'

I got the mesh fencing up before I left for a month, and I am happy to tell you that apparently it worked to keep out the critters who like to eat things. The blue racer did not come back and get caught. I was a little concerned about that.

Hopefully, tomorrow will be another solid work day. I may try to mow a little more this evening. The weeds (yard) have dried pretty well now.

Back to my pleasant non-panicked mode.

See SunSparkler Sedums


  1. Hooray for that mesh fencing. You've got some awesome looking plants there.

  2. Lulu: "Orange flowers! Our Dada approves!"

  3. Ann- it really did the job. The drawback is that I keep tripping on it!

    Lulu- Yeah, Dada and I aren't in alignment on that one. I like a little for contrast, but it's not a big fav.


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