Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Art of an Onion

photo label

Form definitely followed function here! I just wanted to get the whole onion on one rack of the dehydrator and the only way I could do that was to put smaller rings inside the larger ones. But I sure like how it turned out. Of course, tomorrow they go right in the salad package. So much for art!

Hike Planning Report
Made a shopping list and bought the first round of groceries.

Filled the dehydrator with hamburger, sausage, salami, green onions, and the regular onion rings.

Packaged a bunch of other food. I've decided that I'll list the meals as they are finished. So far no meal is 100% completely assembled.

Walked 1.5 miles with a 33 pound pack.

For More Food as Art
See Grilled Cheese on Snow
See Veggie Fun
See More Veggie Fun- Meet Herbert & Mimi


  1. You are having 2 extra pounds today. Cheers.

  2. I never thought of onions in the food dehydrator. I'm a complete amateur with it. I usually only do a few types of fruit and dried turkey lunch meat, which tastes great. Reading about all of you dried food is giving me so many good thoughts.

  3. Hi rainfield- Yes, I need to add a couple of pounds every few days till I am up to 50 pounds. I don't carry that much on a hike, but if I can get up to that weight at home then the hike pack weight doesn't feel bad at all.

    Ratty- I dehydrate things people never thought of at all! I'll show more when I really get seriously into the food prep.


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