Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Flaming Morning - Just a Little Late

photo label

I wanted to show you this picture the day that I took it. But I got really busy, and decided to post some of the alphabet. Then... would you believe that I couldn't find it? Duh! I looked on all my memory cards, and decided sadly that I must have deleted it. But there it is! Somehow, I just didn't see it.

You may be wondering what you are seeing. Well, we live one field over from a co-op grain elevator. They had one of their grain dryers turned on and it was pouring steam into the chilly morning sky. Then, the sun appeared behind the elevators, and this was the result!

There's a month to go till the next Kitchenhenge installment. I'm hopeful of getting the December picture this year, and then you'll see just how far south the sun actually wanders!

See Kitchenhenge- Installment 3
See The Power of Nature


  1. I've lost a lot of pictures the same way. I have them somewhere, but I just got busy and couldn't remember where I put them. I like pictures like this. I like the way the sun is shining through the steam. Things like this can bring a bit of fun mystery with them for all of us viewing the picture.

  2. What a fantastic shot that is. I love it.
    I've done the same with pictures. I have so many on my computer that it makes it difficult to find them when I want them.

  3. realy great picture you are capture, amazing situation here, :D

  4. Grain driers here are working overtime. Lots of frustration for the farmers who suffer the loss of income.

  5. Your camera has turned the simple scene into an amazing one.

  6. Ratty- yes, the mystery is the interesting part of this, I think. It makes everything look like something it isn't.

    Ann- I try to keep them ordered on my computer, but it's hard!

    Beauty & New Games- thank you.

    Chuck- Ah... your rural life would lead you to recognize what it is.

    rainfield- glad you like it!

  7. That's a great capture! The smoke looks like clouds, almost!


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