Entries to Win Afghan

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Philadelphia Flower Show 2010 - Colors

orange sinningea

Today it's all about color. I don't have names for all of these plants, so unless I can find them, I'll just leave it unlabeled. The one above is the Sinningia with the silky leaves. Otherwise, enjoy!

black and white shield detail

yellow tulips

white floral display

Aechmea Del Mar red stalk with blue buds

Aechmea Del Mar

orange flowers

See more COLOR entries:
My Low Budget Black Taco Ad
(Late) Winter Rainbows II


  1. They are ordinary yet beautiful.

  2. I like all of these. The first picture reminds me of something, but I just can't remember what it is. I like it. The one with the blue is amazing.

  3. LOVE all these flowers. I only wish you had a scratch and sniff page....lol That one with the blue is very cool. I think that is my favorite. Would love to see what it looks like with all those buds opened up

  4. Rainfield- The intensity of the colors is always a winner for me.

    Ratty- Yes, I love the blue one! It's kind of a "standard" exotic, but I can't remember its name.

    Ann- I'm not sure it opens more than that.

    Ivy- It was a day that left anyone on overload!

  5. I don't know the names either but very exotic on some and gorgeous on all the photos.

  6. Hi Jo- I think I am attracted to anything that is new to me. But the blue is just a total winner!


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