Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, May 30, 2010

8 - 8 Game

people at at dinner

I decided that for one of my "away" posts I'd join the game as invited by Jo at Poetic Shutterbug, Ann at Ann's Snap and Scrap and Ratty at Everyday Adventurer. You are supposed to look in your 8th picture file, and choose the 8th picture. Then talk about it, and pass the game on to 8 other people.

I chose to open the 8th picture file that is on my desktop at the moment. I wish that the picture were something more interesting, but at least it's not some blurry mess! This is from the 2009 North Country Trail Association annual conference in North Dakota, last August. This was the dinner held the first evening, and the program was awards given by the National Park Service to volunteers who have given a great deal of time to the NCTA.

The room is filled with long-time friends, and some people I am just getting to know. For example, in the extreme foreground, the couple- he's in a blue t-shirt and she is wearing a pastel plaid shirt- have become more than just trail friends. Marie and I have spent time at their lovely cabin on Skunk Lake in Minnesota. They introduced us to our favorite game, Quiddler. They are leaders in the Itasca-Moraine Chapter that has built miles and miles of new trail where we had to bushwhack many years ago through the Paul Bunyan State Forest.

Next to them, the man in the brown t-shirt and olive baseball cap is a very quiet guy from the same chapter who met us on that hike so long ago and led from the end of the trail in the Chippewa National Forest to the next section.

Behind him is a couple whose faces are mostly hidden (these sorts of "banquet shots" are pretty useless), is another Minnesota couple who also worked hard on that new trail, and invited people to their home last summer. Remember the eagle nest? It was just outside their garage.

The woman about in the center of the picture, with a salmon-colored blouse, is the new president of the Hiawatha Shore-to-Shore Chapter, just north of the Mackinac Bridge. I know she's had a busy year!

So that's what's good and bad about pictures like this. They are just a bunch of people, and you probably don't know any of them. But for those of us who are involved there are lots of good memories associated with the backs and faces of those whom we recognize.

I'm also just going to invite anyone to play. It's such a fun game, why not try it!

See NCTA Conference- Thursday for some more interesting pictures from that day
See Minnesota Travel Moments for some of that new trail the Itasca-Moraine Chapter built
See Parent of the Amazing Baby for the eagles


  1. It is a fun game and it's always nice to have these kinds of shots to remember a good day. I had to laugh though because the back of one of those people in the picture looked a lot like my ex husband...lol
    Thanks for the link love too.

  2. I like this game because it is really more fun for the blogger than the reader, but I did enjoy your notes on the folks in the photo. I like going through the old file folders to see what you can find.

  3. For me it's such an amazing thing to see so many people together at a conference about hiking trails. Hiking is such a solitary thing for me, mostly out of necessity. I meet very few people who have an interest in even similar things. Maybe it's because I'm so close to a big city, like Detroit.


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