Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Pere Marquette River Crossing

A work day, and just some pictures from one of my favorite crossings of the South Branch of the Pere Marquette River. The road curves down a hill and then snakes across the bridge. You aren't supposed to park anywhere near the bridge, but there is so little traffic that I chance it just long enough to take a few pictures.

This is looking downstream.

Pere Marquette River

and upstream

Pere Marquette River

No blue sky today to make the colors bright and the ice have blue shadows. But there were a few details that caught my eye anyway. A simple reflection of two tree trunks.

tree reflections

This is mud spotted over the top of some ice with more water on top of that. Somehow it reminded me of the speckled skin of a trout.

mud on ice

And here's another interface between the ice and open water. I'm loving the different textures.

 ice edge

See P is for Pere Marquette River
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  1. Great pics. I'm always amazed when rivers or streams freeze over.

  2. Looks interesting. I'm always checking out the rivers and creeks Round here - some of which are big enough to canoe.

  3. Great pix today. Isn't it great the way the same scene transforms from day-to-day and hour-to-hour? There's always something of interest to see and appreciate. Always.

  4. Well aren't you the little rebel....lol Glad you were though, these are nice shots

  5. Hi Tim- When it gets cold enough even a roaring stream can't stop the ice

    Stew- I don't think this branch is very navigable- too many snags

    Chuck- Maybe it's that this crossing is sort of remote and yet the river is fairly wide- it always looks different to me

    Ann- more than you know

  6. Is it usually that high?

  7. Reflections in water always make for nice pictures, I think...but, brrr, it seems awfully cold to get out there shooting.


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