Entries to Win Afghan

Monday, August 3, 2015

Betty's Garden

My friend Betty loves her garden! Isn't it beautiful?

flower garden

And her dirt grows one of my favorite wild foods, common purslane.

I came home with enough plants for 13 servings. Ate 2, 4 in the fridge, 7 in the freezer. Yummy! This is the pile after washing.


And she gave me some new potatoes, too. Aren't I blessed?

See Tart Healthy Green
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  1. WOW! Betty's garden is beautiful AND fruitful! Go Betty!

  2. We've been enjoying purslane this year. We've had it steamed and raw. Which way do you prefer?

  3. Lin- she's amazing. I've given up on garden.

    Chuck- lightly boiled (steamed would be the same). Topping for potato or rice. Or just as a green.

  4. She does have a beautiful garden. I would love to have one but I would need someone else to take care of it for me. It's just too much work and I don't have much of a green thumb. I've never has purslane. As a matter of fact I've never even heard of it before


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