Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Post Blue Moon

Last night as I was leaving the play the moon was simply amazing. I don't think I've ever seen it look as large. I was driving down the street and wondered what the huge yellow ball was between two buildings. It was as tall as they were. Then I realized it was the moon!

I couldn't stop right there, but pulled off into the first parking lot, and then had to find a vantage point from which I could take pictures. Meanwhile, the moon had risen above the level of the buildings, but it was still quite large looking.

I think this may be the best moon picture I've ever taken. One day past full, one past being "blue." Still, I'm pleased.


See Good Morning Moon
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  1. awesome shot of the moon. There have been mornings when I head out to work that the moon has looked extra large and almost like you could reach up and touch it. Of course at that time of the morning I don't have time to stop and take pictures

  2. I took some shots through a telescope, but nothing that's better than your photo for today.


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