Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Night or Day, Trailer or Tent

Full moon last night. Wonderful!

full moon

More sun and loveliness today. Wonderful!

back yard

The big decision of the week is: should Marie and I take the trailer on our basecamping hike, or the tent? Weather forecast for the area is wet. Campsites are close together. Maybe trailer.

Did I ever show you the curtains I made last year? I actually have one more to make to finish them.

trailer interior

Today, I removed a stove burner unit that I'll never use- way too big for my needs. Now I have useful counter space. Also vacuumed everything to remove all the dead bugs and clean up the cushions. And I removed the exterior battery which supposedly could supply interior power, but I suspect it's dead and I won't use it anyway.

trailer interior

The other big choice in the works, but we will wait a couple of days to decide, is if we should postpone the whole adventure by week. Marie has been sick.

Oh, in other not so quality news, the lawnmower transmission decided to give up the ghost. That repair is beyond me. Will call service guy tomorrow.

I know I missed a couple of days here on the blog. Nothing awful except work was long and difficult and I was just too tired.

See Trailer-ing
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  1. If it was me I would opt for trailer over tent but mainly because I'm pretty sure if I slept on the ground I would never get up again...lol

  2. That mower has been a huge problem. Hope the details work out and Marie gets feeling better.

  3. I LOVE your little camper!! I want one!!


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