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Wednesday, April 29, 2015


The weekend was just WOW! Worked today. Trying to stay awake to put something on the blog.

First I went to Ester's. Forgot to take a picture of her, but I got one of the trailer in her driveway.

Companion trailer

Next day it was on to Upland, Indiana. Trailer is now a sandwich between two Subarus. It pulls quite easily, and I'm getting comfortable having it back there following me around.

Companion trailer

Guess, who also has a Forester now. Loretta!


We had a great weekend. She gave me the best birthday I've had in a very long time, which included this fun little birdhouse. I don't think it will be going outside, though.


It's similar to the one I saw a couple of years ago at Trail(er) Dreamin'

I'm just too tired to do better tonight. I'll show you more of the things we did over the next few days.

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Rick (Ratty) said...

A fun little bird house. You can't get better than that.

Secondary Roads said...

I too wouldn't want to put that trailer outside.

Ann Thompson said...

What a cute bird house. I doubt I would put it outside either

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello sharkbytes its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow is that the smurfs airstream trailer??? i think it is!!! ok bye