Entries to Win Afghan

Friday, June 3, 2016

More Garden Goodies


I do get to enjoy a couple more pretties of my flowers before I leave tomorrow. You've seen this a couple of times before, but it blooms pretty consistently. This is the salmon-colored poppy that was a gift from Marie.

salmon poppy

Near at hand is the Japanese painted fern. Much fuller now than a few weeks ago, and looking good.

painted fern

The smile-producing surprise of the day is one of my red poppies that bloomed this year. I used to have 3 or 4 healthy plants. But the lilac hedge took over the area that used to be sunny, and the poppies didn't like it. Last year I moved a remnant up near where the house is now, but it's still too tiny to bloom. But deep in the shade, a ray of sun must have hit this spot and I got a red one!

red poppy

Tomorrow: the traditional packing pictures. Stay tuned!

See Two Salmon Sunbursts
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  1. Pretty stuff. I like that fern. Guess that poppy is a survivor

  2. The tenacity of life can be amazing.

  3. Lovely. I've found unplanted poppies popping up all over my veg path here. Sdaly, not this year though.

  4. Unexpected surprises are always fun, if they're good like this one.


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