Entries to Win Afghan

Saturday, September 3, 2016

A Bouquet of Goldenrod Roots

As Saturdays go, this one wasn't bad. I didn't feel awful, and that's always good.

I thought there wasn't going to be anything really interesting to share... until I was cleaning up from my outside task. How do you like this artful bouquet of goldenrod roots? Arranged by simply throwing the stalks into the wheelbarrow. At least it meets my criterion of looking at things differently. I turned around and just had a quick mental image of fireworks and sprays of flowers!

goldenrod roots

I did get myself in gear enough to do some much needed yard work along the side of the house. No "before" picture- forgot to do that. But I cleaned out weeds and grapevines and autumn olive (of course). There was another pile in addition to the one you can see that was already removed. The hoses are drained and ready to put away.

It's not going to be in House Beautiful, but at least it doesn't look like a total jungle any more. That's about all I can hope for.

yard work

Oh, and the lawnmower.... it's back in the shop. But, you can see that the lawn around the house got actually mowed, not just hacked, so it must look better than last year.

See Space Three
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  1. I like your root arrangement. You had a more productive Saturday than I did. I didn't get much of anything accomplished.

  2. Thanks for finding beauty in goldenrod.


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