Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Excitement and Apathy

The big excitement of the day was the storm last night. Lots of wind. 0.75 inch of rain. Power went out.

It didn't get restored until mid-afternoon.

Consumers Energy Truck

The problem was a wire down way out by the railroad tracks. Somehow, we were the only house affected (in this immediate area).

Consumers Energy Truck

The day cleared up, but now there is a second line of severe storms rolling through that may spin up some little tornadoes also. Whoa! But I went to writer's group, where we lost power within 10 minutes of starting, so we all went home. The streets in Ludington were flooding fairly deep and there seem to be a number of blocks without power. High winds (although I haven't seen anything yet as strong as they were here last night). Another 3/4 inch of rain in the last hour. Now it's just raining gently.

Hope we don't lose power again.

So much for the excitement. Now for the apathy.

I have done almost nothing except read books for three days now. I may be able to blame it on the extremely heavy air. Or today I can say I didn't want to run down the computer battery. Or maybe it's just because I can't manage to accomplish things unless there is a screaming deadline right in my face. Or maybe I am just lazy. I suppose we'll see what I manage to do tomorrow.

See Moods of My Backyard - Angry
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  1. I hate it when we lose power. You realize how much you need it when you don't have it.
    If it wasn't for the fact I have to go to work, I would probably be just reading too. I haven't had the ambition to do much and I'm blaming it on the humidity

  2. Over Tuesday night, we received a full 2.0 inches of rain.

  3. Ann- I think the humidity was pretty awful

    Chuck- I got about 1.25" here over Tuesday night.

  4. hello sharkbytes its dennis the vizsla dog hay i for shoor do not like the ideea of theez powerful storms!!! so if ennybuddy needs me i wil be under the bed!!! just in kayse their is sum thunder wot i kan heer frum heer!!! ok bye


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