Entries to Win Afghan

Friday, August 31, 2018

Trail Clearing

Friend Cathy and I went for a walk again today, but I didn't wear the big pack. I needed to get out and check my section of trail to see how much storm damage was there. There were 4 trees that we couldn't move. This was the worst down tree. I took pictures and the GPS locations of all the ones we couldn't move and sent them to our trail crew that is chainsaw certified.

tree down across trail

There was a lot of small stuff down, of course, and we cleared all that and a few larger broken trees that we were able to move ourselves. We might have been able to move one of the ones we left, but it was going to be a test, and we knew someone was going to have to come with a chain saw anyway, so we left it.

This is just one of my favorite pieces on my section. You've seen it before. It's an old rail bed through a swamp.


We saw this big clump of golden mushrooms.

 golden mushrooms

And these little white ones. They might be oyster mushroom (or not).

 white mushroom

I didn't even take a selfie. Oh well. We were hoping to do all of my miles, but when you are clearing up a big mess it just takes whatever time it takes.

Hike 100 Challenge is at 67 miles.

In other news: I got fed up with the horrible mess the dining room has been since I emptied my trailer into it over a year ago. Spent all day working on that. Not done. The reason I got fed up is that I needed the table space to sort hike food. Found the table, and packed up a very few things- not enough to even report yet, but I got a start. And I did laundry. Not bad!

North Country Trail, Lake County, Freesoil TH to Tyndall Road and back

See Trail Work!
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  1. Sounds like a very productive day. I like the looks of your section of the trail in that picture

  2. Thanks, Ann- it's a favorite place.


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