Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Meijer Gardens - Outside Details

Today I'll share some closeups of neat things from Meijer Gardens that were outdoors.

If you are at all familiar with the venue, you know that Fred Meijer had a huge sculpture collection, which is sprinkled liberally throughout the gardens. Maybe I'll show you more of that another day. Maybe not. Anyway, I liked this one quite a bit. It's like a little blip of Thailand dropped in the middle of Grand Rapids.

Meijer Garden Thai head sculpture

Bright red Burning Bush (Euonymous) paired with a Clematis in seed was really attractive.

Meijer Garden fall colors

I don't know if this is an oddity, or something I should be able to identify. Look at the ends of the pinnae on this fern. They have sprouted extra fingers. I don't know if this is an example of fasciation, or a characteristic of a particular fern. At any rate, it's weird.

Meijer Garden odd fern

More nice autumn color, this time from a different Japanese Maple.

Meijer Garden autumn color

This is some kind of weeping evergreen. It looks to me like an arborvitae, but I can't find any commercial ones that fall in "sheets" like this. I'm not a fan of weeping trees, but this was interesting because it's like a blue-green waterfall.

Meijer Garden weeping evergreen

Finally, for today, here is one of the bonsai collection, a ginko. Very nice in fall color.

Meijer Garden bonsai ginko

They also have some indoor exhibits, and I'll show some of those tomorrow.

In other news: Well, it was a frustrating day. I did manage to work on the book in the morning a little bit, but I had more computer trouble. I also had an appointment at the computer repair for this afternoon, because one of the issues was just a little tweak that needed to happen to finish the install of the new operating system. I also had a laundry list of some other tiny issues. So when the computer was being weird, I just shut it down and figured Sue could fix it all this afternoon. And she did! Every little item on my list is taken care of! That makes for a very quality day. Then I had bell choir practice. The only thing that's really frustrating is that I was energized to write, and it just didn't happen.

See Meijer Gardens Long View
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  1. I like all the photos you've shown but that weeping evergreen is amazing. I don't think I've ever seen anything like it.

  2. I particularly like the colors of the Japanese maple leaves.


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