Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Living the Dream

I know I'm supposed to be telling you about the Philadelphia Flower Show, but today was just so perfect I can't keep from sharing it. The day played out just in the way I envision many, many days of my future. I spent the morning writing. I'm part way through chapter 4 of The Lonely Donkey.

After lunch, I went out for a hike. I went to the North Country Trail, the section by Sterling Marsh, and hiked 6 miles.

Sterling Marsh, North Country Trail

With some ice still on the water, it was very pretty. Who can resist sunny skies and brisk air?

Sterling Marsh, North Country Trail

I met one other couple. I think that's a safe amount of social distancing. I actually knew them, so we chatted a while.

Sterling Marsh boardwalk, North Country Trail

This is the time of year when you can really see how important all those boardwalks we built are. This section of trail was horrible to hike in spring before we did this.

Sterling Marsh boardwalk, North Country Trail

There were some long, long ice crystals trying to form. But they had all melted by the time I went back past this point.

ice crystals

And I saw these interesting beetle bark galleries. I don't know what kind... no particular pattern, and I forgot to pay attention to what kind of tree it was, which would have helped with the ID.

beetle galleries

I also stopped at a couple of places to do checks for my Get Off the Couch web site. Now I'm working on doing those updates.

Hike 100 Challenge for 2020 is at 32 miles.

A perfect day in just the right format!

North Country Trail, Lake County, MI, Jenks Road Trailhead to 96th St and back, 6 miles

See Sterling Marsh Jan 2019
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  1. Yep, you can definitely see the advantage of those boardwalks. Interesting markings from the beetles.

  2. Lulu: "I would go for a walk there! It must smell fascinating!"


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