Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Stay at Home Fun

Cold and rainy today. So I stayed home and finished two more squares for the Ludington Area Center for the Arts Bingo Game.

The line I chose included the landscape, which I did first- see link below. It uses the middle free square. So I have 3 to go. One is to do a still life. This is nothing wonderful. It's not even a great composition. But I'd been wanting to try to copy this particular style. So my goal was accomplished, and it will count for the square. Medium is colored pencil.

colored pencil still life

One of the squares in my line is kinda whacko! It says "COVID-19 virus art - create your own virus." OK then. I call this work "Dance of the Naked Virus," and it's mixed media. My reaction... meh. I tried a new technique with the background. My success was poor, but I learned a lot. The virus studded cells turned out pretty good. The naked virus proteins are off balance. Mixed media. I'm calling it done. It was totally experimental anyway.

mixed media virus art

I also made soup. It's better than refrigerator soup because I bought some things to put in it. However, I did trim down some freezer burned sausage to salvage the good parts to put in, and thawed a pile of black beans I'd thrown in the freezer some time ago that went in too. This was a complete winner because Omer even liked it, and he hates soup.


I guess it was a day of experiments. I also tried Navajo Fry Bread. It's OK. Actually, it's pretty good. But it's just a plain fried bread: flour, salt, baking powder, water. The pan has to be oiled and quite hot and I managed to set off the smoke alarm. You can only cook one at a time (unless you use multiple pans), so I wouldn't want to make enough for a big group. I like biscuits or pancakes better. But now I can say I've tried it!

Navajo Fry Bread

In other news: Did a little bit of accounting work, and worked on a web site.

See Art Center Bingo- Square One

1 comment:

  1. You kept yourself quite busy and productive too. I wish I could say the same for myself. When I'm home I can't get myself to do much of anything.


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