Entries to Win Afghan

Friday, December 18, 2020

Being Brave #2- Sleep Holy Babe

  Lots of you encouraged me to record another song, so here you go. This is Sleep Holy Babe. It was written around 1850 by Edward Caswell. Sometimes you can find nice accordion arrangements of songs. Sometimes not. I did this arrangement.

Not 100%, but probably as good as it's going to get for this season. I was less nervous, but it's still a hard piece, and I don't manage to make it look easy. That would be nice. Maybe next year. Think I'll live long enough to be good? Not likely, because I don't practice enough. I practice enough to be mediocre, which is better than awful! (This is all said in a cheerful spirit with a wink and a smile- no lectures, please.)

Tonight's disclaimers: I wish I could get music to stick in my head so I could play these by heart. Then I wouldn't have to keep looking down at the music. (But I'm trying to keep the music low so you can see the keyboard and buttons.) Then I wouldn't have to wear the glasses which reflect annoyingly. I like the Christmas tree in the background, but I think it must be the lights on the tree that make the camera keep losing focus. I wish I could remember to smile. Instead, I just get my mouth half open, and I only look like an old lady about to start drooling! I wish I could play better. I know, I know... keep practicing.

In other news: I did errands, did editing, and took a long road walk.

See White Christmas


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