Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Zoom for the Win

  I'm not a lover of Zoom meetings, but this one was certainly the best thing about today.

Nimblewill Nomad (Eb Eberhard), at age 82, is going to do a (another) hike of the Appalachian Trail this year, and hopes to become the oldest thru hiker. He's been a caretaker on Flagg Mountain in Alabama for the past few years. But life on the trail is calling him (once you hear the voice, you can't get it out of your brain).

So, Wild Alabama set up a Zoom meeting for an interview with Nimblewill. It maxed out with 100 sign-ups. Glad I got my reservation in early enough to make the cut. Nimblewill Nomad

Nimblewill has hiked over 50,000 miles. He's done a number of long trails, including the North Country Trail. This picture of us (with Senator Carl Levin) was taken in 2009. He had just completed the NCT, and I was just one year away from completing it.
Nimblewill Nomad and Joan Young

He's a really neat guy, and I wish him the best. You can learn more about him at NimblewillNomad.com

In other news: busy day! I reached a milestone in the editing and met with the author. I did errands and got a few groceries. Then I had bell choir practice, and this zoom meeting. I think it's time to chill!

See Meeting Nimblewill Nomad


  1. 82 and still hiking. He's an inspiration.

  2. Wow! He is something! So glad you got on the call.

    While I am not big on Zoom calls, sometimes it is the only way to see your friends that are far away...or not so far away these days. I'll take what I can get!

  3. Ann- He is for sure

    Lin- I know! He's really a nice guy.


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