Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Icy and Windy

  The thermometer said it was 37 degrees, but the wind made it feel like about 20. Nevertheless, Cathy and I got in a walk at the State Park. It was just a shorter walk than we had expected to do.

Bright sunshine made the steep hillsides dramatic. hillsides in sunshine and shadow

The trails were clamshelled ice from previous walkers' tracks. Fairly treacherous, and it slowed us down. Neither of us took a fall, so that was good, and we got quite a workout despite walking only maybe 3.5 miles. We made it to Hamlin Lake, but then needed to turn around and go straight back the same way we came, so I could get to bell practice on time.

I was surprised that with the warm temperatures we've had the lake is still frozen. Hamlin Lake

Most of my time was spent watching my feet and the trail, but I did see this nice texture picture in the end of a cut log. end of a cut log

Of course, we stopped for a couple of pictures of Lake Michigan. It was pretty rough, with a green seafoam color. We were north of the lighthouse, and you can see it out there in this picture. Lake Michigan

I didn't think the lake pictures were going to turn out well because the wind coming off the water made it really hard to hold the camera steady, and there was a lot of blowing sand. But I like this one! Lake Michigan

In other news: I edited and did some errands in the morning, hike and bell choir in the afternoon.

Ludington State Park, Piney Ridge Road to Hamlin Lake and back, about 3.5 miles

See An Adventure with Cathy


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